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The Benefits of Corporate Awards

Corporate awards do not take place in every company, but these awards seem to provide tremendous benefits for the companies that do. No matter the size of your business, or the industry you’re in, you may want to try out hosting a corporate awards ceremony for your employees.

They Feel Appreciated

Rewarding those who go above and beyond is a good way to keep them (and their skills) in the company, and not running off to other opportunities where they feel more appreciated. Many companies have lost their best employees because they feel undervalued. Show your high achievers that they are appreciated and they are sure to continue their excellent work.

Display your gratefulness through trophies, medals, certificates, gift vouchers and even monetary prizes.

Morale Booster

A corporate awards ceremony is not only about the awards! It is also an excuse to socialise outside of the office, so make it fun! Provide delicious food, exciting entertainment and perhaps even a theme for guests to dress to. Employees will truly benefit from an evening of fun and feel more involved in the company itself.

It Motivates Others to Work Harder

A little incentive is never a bad thing. When your other employees see high achievers being awarded for their hard work, it is very likely that this will motivate them to work harder so that it can be them the next time around.

For this to really take effect, make sure that your prizes are worth drooling over. A handshake is not quite motivation enough.

For What Achievements can You Provide Awards?

So you’ve decided to start awarding your employees…but for what exactly? The achievements for which you decide to award your employees are usually quite company specific but some idea are:

  • Leadership awards
  • Sales objective awards
  • Innovation Awards
  • Quality of Work Awards

For awards that are subjective, you can ask employees to nominate winners, and even get them to vote. This will create a bit of excitement and healthy competition in the office, and you may even gain some valuable insight from your employees’ points of view.

Need some stunning trophies or medals for your corporate awards ceremony? Trophies & Engravers has a very wide selection of awards on our site, and we deliver to anywhere in South Africa! Need something truly unique? We can help you design custom awards for your corporate award winners!

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